
Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet

I’d like to share this wallet with you today. There are many reasons and I’ll get straight to the main points:

1. NO fees, you heard it right, they do not charge translation fees or take any fees from deposits or sending bitcoin. They do have a minimum sending of 1000 satoshi

2. The referral program. Invite a friend who buys $100 of bitcoin or more, and you’ll both earn $10 of free bitcoin! It use to be more but rewards are still rewards.

3. Its an online wallet, which means, no updating to the network, no hassle just log in and use it.

4. You can sell or buy bitcoin. Once you confirm your ID you have full access to buying and selling for your countries currency.

5. Vault. What’s the benefit of this? You can add multiple users to this vault and people can withdraw from it if all vault holders agree. Ideal for mining pools and other combined earnings for being divided out later into equal shares.

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